Leadership Team

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Preetam Goswami
Compliance and Audit head

CA Pritam K Goswami is a Chartered Accountant, an author, an internationally acclaimed motivational speaker, a Business coach, and a social activist.

Pritam is governance director for the group where he works as head of internal audit and compliance function.

He has more than 3 decades professional experience. During this tenure he has mentored and influenced lives of more than 50000 persons across the globe through his seminars, training workshops, speeches and counselling. He has travelled more than 30 countries for social and training commitments. His books on self, empowerment namely “Millionaire Mind unleashed”, “Sunrise within you” and “Jaago Jano aur Jeeto” are available online on Flipkart and Amazon. His book also got published in Gujarati. Another book “Paradox of Possibilities” on Leadership got published in 2021.

He was conferred with International Training fellowship by Junior Chamber International USA in 2010 and became 8th proud Indian trainer having a tag of “International Training Fellow”.

As a CA and Business Consultant he has helped many startups , businesses and companies to grow.

He holds post graduate diploma in HR followed by another diploma in information system audits (ICAI). He is a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) from UK from the founder of NLP Dr. Richard Bandler.

He was youngest Chairman of Kota branch of CIRC of ICAI in 2001-02.